The GLARE GEAR NUT ASSEMBLY eliminates the use of a spanner wrench when
recessed, cup type, or rubber grinding wheels are mounted on surface
grinders, cutter grinders, or small OD grinders. The machine operator can
securely lock the grinding wheel with the GLARE GEAR NUT ASSEMBLY without
touching the wheel itself. Deep recess wheels are locked easily. The GLARE
GEAR NUT ASSEMBLY saves time and money. There is less chance of wheel
breakage and no skinned knuckles!
The standard adapter keyed washer is replaced by a larger diameter keyed
washer with two 1/4" holes 180° apart. The T-shaped key has a pilot
and gear teeth that engage teeth on the OD of the locking nut. Rotating
the key locks the nut securely against the washer without hammering.
Assembly includes washer, nut, and key.